Before starting the route, a brief introduction using maps and the city of Vigo and Galicia and an explanation of how the electric bicycle works.
You'll begin the route in the Rosalía de Castro neighbourhood. From there you will access the Náutico by the bicycle lane to the “A Laxe” Shopping Center. Here you will make the first stop. The life of “Lola” and her trip to Uruguay will help you to address the history of emigration from Galicia from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century. Next, you will go up the ramp that connects the Náutico and the “Casco Vello” so that whenever possible, visiting Antonio's house museum, living history of Vigo.
You will make a stop to see the Puerta del Sol and talk about the“O Sereo” statue. Visit the Old Town and explore its history, as well as the main streets in both the lower and upper parts.
You will climb the “Monte do Castro” to first see the “Asentamiento Castrexo”, where you will be able to enjoy the beautiful views of the Vigo Estuary from the viewing point at the top of the mountain.
Next, you will continue to Balaídos and Citroen, where you will analyse two of the most influential places in the city and their impact throughout the 20th century.
You will enjoy the magnificent river path of the Lagares River. You will be able to see the beautiful beach of Samil, with a privileged view of the Cíes Islands. Not only that, but you will also visit the beach of La Fuente and Alcabre. Finally, you will visit the wonderful fishing village of Bouzas.